Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blackberry Messaging

The other day, one of the guys that over sees a study that I do at work noticed I had a blackberry, he asked if I tried the blackberry messaging program, I said no and he proceeded to tell me about it. You can message with out using text to anyone who has it on there blackberry, he added me to his contact and I added him to mine. He explained that it would save time to just send him a message that way rather than send and email he would be able to get back to me faster. Well after messing around with it I really liked it.
Then last night I showed Jeff how he could download it on his and then we could IM each other using that. Well it didn't go as smooth as my previous experience it but this morning it finely looked like he might be able to get my messages, so I sent him a message. I said
"Hey Lover have you got it up yet" I was referring to getting the messaging up yet then I pushed send. At that very moment I noticed that the name that flashed across the screen wasn't my lover husband but the man that oversees my study. I instantly went it to panic with the realization that with the convince of blackberry IM'ing he would receive that message in about 1/2 second, so about the same moment as I realized my error. Needless to say I frantically sent him another IM explaining that the previous one was intended for my husband. He sent back one with a smiley face and a that's ok. I believe that is the most embarrassed I have been in a very long time, I guess I learned how wonderful the modern communication tool is!!!